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What Is the Best Way To Move Across the Country?

ThuFebruary 22, 2024

Like many Canadians, you dread the arduous long-distance moving process. It often feels like an insurmountable obstacle with an endless to-do list. However, you can significantly simplify your experience by planning well in advance. 

Montreal’s long-distance movers at Discount Moving have seen catastrophes and smooth sailing during their professional experiences. They provide a comprehensive guide to the best way to move across the country below. Let’s work together to secure a smooth sailing experience for you! 

Pre-Planning Strategies

First, you should strategize your move before making any other plans. Many people think the moving process begins when they secure a new place to live or pick a moving date. However, completing these steps long before solidifying other details can lower moving costs, eliminate stress, and streamline future steps. 

Learn About Your New City

When you move to a new city, you can experience culture shock—even though it’s still in the same country. Research the area to find out:

  • How the local cost of living compares to your current location
  • What types of living spaces are common
  • How retail stores differ from your area
  • What your neighbours might be like

You can budget for your new lifestyle accordingly. Plus, you will better understand how residents function and interact daily. 

Use Moving Calculators to Budget

Don’t let moving costs sneak up on you! You can find free moving calculators online to help you budget for your upcoming move. Once you have an idea of what your move might cost, consistently set aside money to cover the services and then some.

How can you budget to keep those extra dollars and cents? 

  • Eliminate subscription services like Netflix or Hulu with monthly fees. This might inconvenience you, but you can replace them with similar free services. 
  • Reassess bills for groceries, utilities, and similar essentials. See where you can temporarily cut costs. Limiting the use of your HVAC system or buying store brands can go a long way. 
  • Collect boxes and other packing materials from stores. Many retailers receive shipments in sturdy cardboard boxes that they eventually recycle or throw away. You can reuse these materials to pack your belongings free of cost. 

Visit Your New Neighbourhood

Make a short trip to your new location. Long weekends give you an excellent opportunity to visit and get to know the area. Rent a hotel room and check out the stores, restaurants, and favourite hang-out spots. Making friends in a new city can be challenging, but familiarizing yourself with the local pulse can make you more comfortable. 

Start Decluttering

Finally, begin decluttering well in advance of your move. Go through your belongings and keep an eye out for:

  • Items you haven’t used in six months to a year
  • Decorative items you don’t need
  • Old gifts you never wanted
  • Worn-out belongings you should replace anyway

Sell salvageable or good-condition items via yard sales or online selling platforms. Throw away the things that seem worse for wear.

Before Your Move

Eventually, you’ll secure a new home and a general timeframe for your move. If you’ve completed the above-listed steps, you’ve already lightened your workload. Now, you’ll focus more on the logistics moving forward. 

Gather Moving Materials

You may already have a few recycled packing materials collected from nearby retail stores. However, gathering more heavy-duty boxes and supplies becomes a priority from this point forward. While reused boxes can help you with small, sturdy items, they won’t provide the security and protection needed for breakable things or costly electronics.

Get Estimates From Affordable Moving Companies

Most moving companies provide free quotes to potential customers. For example, you can complete and submit Discount Moving’s estimate form for an accessible, personalized quote. After all, the best way to move across the country begins with some assistance from professional movers. 

You should also consider the following options:

  • Full-service movers can tackle the entire process for you. However, a limited budget might restrict your resources.
  • You might also consider renting a truck. Although this method often costs less, it also requires that you do more of the work. More work might mean more stress and potential injuries. 
  • Many Canadians use moving containers to transport their belongings. A company conveniently delivers the container to your address. Once you fill it up, the company transports it to your new location. 
  • A hybrid move offers the best of both worlds. You can save money on moving services while still reaping the benefits of some professional assistance, especially with large items like furniture. 

Pack Items You Don’t Frequently Use

Ready for one of the most helpful packing tips? Start your packing journey long before the actual move. Categorize your remaining belongings by necessity and pack the ones you don’t need each day.

Some categorization methods include:

  • Packing up most of your linens, only leaving out a few essentials to use, reuse, and wash as needed.
  • Folding and consolidating rugs, extra clothing, and excess shoes. 
  • Securing extra cookware and dinnerware into boxes. 
  • Allowing children to choose a few toys they want to play with before packing the rest. 

Choose a Company and a Move Date

Finally, as your move draws closer, secure the moving company that best suits your needs. You should also pick a move date with a window of a few days. Aim for weekdays if possible since weekends typically cost more. 

Close To Your Move Date

Have your new living quarters opened up yet? If so, you can take advantage of it! Your moving company might also work with you on smaller trips. 

Transfer Unused Items to the New Place

Remember all those boxes of extra plates, clothes, towels, and knick-knacks? Ship them to your new home before your official move date. This will open space in your home for you and the moving team to work while eliminating some of the load. 

Spend Time at Your New Address

If you find the time, spend a weekend at your new home. You can use the time to learn more about the area and situate the items you shipped. Plus, you might have a better idea about putting your home together after the move. 

Start Address Changes and Mail Forwarding

As your move date draws nearer, make sure bills, remaining subscriptions, and government identifications and documents reflect your new address. Visit your local post office about forwarding your mail to the new location. Try setting up essential utilities like internet, water, and electricity beforehand. 

Begin Packing Other Items

If you can reduce your belongings even further, do so. For example, you previously left two weeks’ worth of clothes out. Reduce your wardrobe more while packing the rest. 

During the Move

Before you embark on your journey, discuss your plans for the big day with your moving company. That way, your team knows what to expect on the service date. This step is especially important for people with children and pets. 

Plot Your Route

You and your family members will likely need rest stops throughout the journey. Check a mapping app to plan for gas stations and visitor centers where needed. Everyone needs opportunities to stretch their legs, use the restroom, and get their bearings during a cross-country move. 

Bring Food With You

You can eliminate some extra costs by preparing food before the move date. Pack a cooler with the following essentials:

  • Sandwiches
  • Snack mixes with nuts and dried fruit
  • Fresh fruit like apples and oranges
  • Drinks with electrolytes 

Moving is hard work. Fuel your body accordingly. 

Have a Plan for Your Belongings

During your previous visits to your new abode, you might have an idea of where furniture and packed belongings should go. When you receive the moving truck, direct the movers to ensure all items go as close to their home base as possible. This simplifies the unpacking and setup process.

When You Finish Moving

Finally, you’ve completed your long-distance move! Hopefully, your family enjoyed a successful, stress-free experience (or as stress-free as a big move can be). Now, you’ll transform your new space into your home-sweet home.

Remember to take care of yourself and your household with the following tips: 

  • Take your time unpacking: Even though you have an idea of how each room should look, avoid rushing yourself to unpack. Rome wasn’t built in a day. A perfect room takes time to set up.
  • Recycle old packing materials: Before you throw those packing supplies out, consider recycling or reusing them. If the boxes and bubble wrap held up well, they might help another family prepare to move. If they incur damage, you can recycle them.
  • Double-check your address changes: These days, numerous services, apps, and accounts require your current address. Ensure all your accounts reflect your new location information. 

What Is the Best Way To Move Across the Country? With Help From Discount Moving!

Looking for the best way to move across the country? Start by choosing Discount Moving for affordable, full-service moving assistance. Call +1 514-933-3555 for a free quote today. We can also advise you on decluttering before a long-distance move.
